Lipstick jungle season 2 episode 5
Lipstick jungle season 2 episode 5


She broke up with Rodrigo - his idea - since he sensed something was up with her and Joe who was acting a bit on the immature side. Loved the body hugging dress and the simple gold hoop earrings and headband utilized as accessories. The next day when confronted with Joe's new Russian designer "friend" she wore a green dress (envy) with purple print and purple purse, similar to the purse Wendy used in the last episode. Very date appropriate if you wanted to take it to the next level/base! Which reminded me of my Dad's saying "your clothes send a message to the guy you are with so dress appropriately" Dad was right! Well the message was not lost on contractor guy because he did not take the bait as he decided to head home to his 10-year old daughter Sandy.


She wore a red dress with a full skirt and plunging neckline - as in her tatas were bursting to be set free. The episode started with Victory on a date with Rodrigo as they are interrupted by a phone call from Joe. Not only was purple on display but so was simplicity. I am on a budget like many of you but I still recently purchased a purple purse. I was happy to see that because I believe purple is the color of the season whether you are on a budget or not.

lipstick jungle season 2 episode 5

There was a lot of purple in tonight's episode. The storyline is coming into its own which thrills me SO we are going to discuss both the episode and the fashion choices together. The first being the color purple and simplicity. In the end, Kelly ends up going home.I loved tonight's episode for two reasons. Blayne’s outfit was not that bad, but it was not appropriate attire for work or a night out on the town. The judges felt like Blayne missed the mark completely and the fact that his model looked like she got dressed in the dark. Kelly’s group and Blayne’s group ended up in the bottom and the judges severely disliked Kelly’s design, but they were much more concerned about the fact that neither Kelly nor Daniel had good taste. His design would be worn by Brooke on the second season of “Lipstick Jungle”. The runway, Jerrell’s group and Keith’s group received the most praise and Keith ended up walking away with the win.


The entire garment looked a hot mess and I have never known a business woman to go to work in a skin tight, spaghetti top that was three sizes two small. One group I noticed looked like they might be in trouble was Kelly and Daniel. She told Joe to voice her opinions because regardless what he says on the runway, she still had immunity five minutes later they made up. Joe said he thought it would be a fitted jacket and that’s when Korto got upset. Tim came into the room to do his usual evaluations and he came across Korto’s design and he made a comment that the jacket looked like a giant sweet potato. This episode showed an entirely different and unpleasant side to Terry. Then, she made a remark while he was in the sewing room when someone asked how things were going and she blurted out horrible. Terry, who is usually hysterical on the show was rude and condescending towards Suede in her interview it was not funny at all. (Stella is his partner), Kelly (Daniel is her partner), Terry ( Suede is her partner).Īfter the designers come back from Mood, Suede is having issues about cutting the fabric Terry purchased because he is use to draping before cutting and Terry is not and he was hesitant at the fact that if he messed up there would not be enough fabric to salvage.

lipstick jungle season 2 episode 5 lipstick jungle season 2 episode 5

Brooke picks the falling designs and team leaders: Korto (Joe is her partner), Blayne (Leanne is his partner), Keith (Kenley is his partner), Jerell Brooke tells the designers the challenge is to design a look for her character on “Lipstick Jungle” and that the designers must pitch their designs to her and she will choose from there. When the designers head back to the work room to get more information from Tim about their challenge Tim introduces Brooke Shields. In this episode, Heidi tells the designers their next challenge is to create a look for a high powered woman and to meet Tim in the work room for more details.

Lipstick jungle season 2 episode 5